Engage, connect, succeed

In a survey by workplace culture company, Great Place to Work, 37% of employees said that more personal recognition would encourage them to be more productive. Apparently, that recognition is sorely needed. The 2024 for global culture report from O.C. Tanner, indicates that many workers “feel overlooked and underappreciated”

“Happy employees are productive employees.” Forbes published the results from one study that revealed happy employees are as much as 20% more productive in the workplace than unhappy employees.

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported that on average it costs a company 6 to 9 months of an employee's salary to replace him or her. For an employee making $60,000 per year, that comes out to $30,000 - $45,000 in recruiting and training costs.

American companies lose up to $550 billion per year because of disengaged employees.

Be the leader you wish you had

We’ve all been there…

it’s employee appreciation day…you log into your computer in the morning. “I wonder if my company will do anything for us?”

You get a message in the team chat from your manager - the company is sending everyone a new cup with the company logo in appreciation for all our hard work. Gee, thanks.

You spent countless hours on a project and helped your team hit that big, seemingly impossible goal…

…and you hear nothing. No kudos. No recognition, not even a bit of acknowledgement. Why did I work that hard in the first place?

through personalized recognition, we come alongside youR small business and unlock the potential of your remote and hybrid teams

all-in-one affordable services

Let us handle the A-Z: We take the administrative burden off of your leadership team by keeping up with important dates and all the little details.

We handle the sourcing, purchasing, storing and shipping, as well as a free remote quarterly training and resources for your leaders to keep your employees happy. Plus, you reap the tax benefits. Learn more

training and development

You know you can handle this in-house, but just don’t know where to start?

Let us give your people managers or dedicated engagement leader the training and blueprint to success.

Learn more